Shipping rates and policy charges Rs.100 flat shipping for all orders within India no matter what the weight limit is. For Cash on Delivery orders within India, we charge Rs.100 when you select COD option. You can also reach us to convert your order to COD once "place order" is clicked. Due to our courier partner restrictions, COD orders above Rs.5000 are not allowed for the states of Kerala and Uttar Pradesh.
For international shipping, shipping price is directly added in the shipping cart. We ship all over the world through our courier partners. For countries where shipping not available at checkout, please reach us at Whatsapp at +91-9211709291
It is important to note that the shipping cost is based on the actual weight or volumetric weight - whichever is the greater. Volumetric weight is the size of the actual box in which the FabOrder packs your purchase, not the products themselves. Please note that FabOrder may add sufficient packaging materials to prevent damage which will end up in additional weight depends upon the nature of the purchased material. These guidelines are provided as estimate to reduce your shipping cost when grouped appropriately. Actual product shipping may vary depending on providers’ rates. For questions please reach out to our contact number +91 9211709291
Important information
Actual charges are determined at time of shipment and therefore these conversion rates provide an indication only. Any customs charged at the destination country will be borne by customer on actual basis. These charges include service taxes applicable at this time and other changes in carrier rates except the fuel charges which varies between 10% to 20%. For shipments valued above USD 250 or equivalent insurance coverage is mandatory to provide you with maximum protection. Insurance cover loss in full, but only limited for damages arising due to international shipments. By using our service, you are agreeing to pay on actuals on the charges associated with the courier company.